I’m speaking in Wolverhampton next week on the importance of Goal Alignment in successful Hybrid projects, specifically for this talk focused on SharePoint 2013 Hybrid. I’ll be covering how to introduce disruption by challenging convention, handling people and dealing with drive by management, Perfect timing to accompany this from Mega on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Enterprise Architecture, 2013. I like this paper and you should read it.
Some very current messages in this paper, such as “EA practitioners must focus EA efforts first and foremost on delivering business outcomes” and “EA practitioners need to strive to understand the context in which your business is operating”. A bit “consultancy speak”, but nevertheless meaning we need to focus into the business for outcomes, stop delivering wooly enterprise architecture fluff and make the goals align to realistic and achievable deliverables that give measurable benefit to move the business forward.
Come and hear me speak, heckle if you are hard enough! It’s free after all, what have you got to lose other than some time and you might learn something to help you deliver well.