Monthly Archives April 2014

Evolutions Roadshow

So, its really unusual for me to steal another MVP’s words of wisdom, but I was sat on a beach in Dubai when this posting appeared in my Facebook feed and just though, you know – it deserves a bit more than a simple mention!

You should attend the SharePoint Evolutions Roadshow?

The Evolution Tour brings the conference to you and gives you the option of purchasing one day at a time.  You’re in control of the amount of time and money you invest, and its worth noting that the price of a one day conference pass is significantly lower than that of the average daily cost of a traditional conference.

Evolutions events, arranged by Combined Knowledge (the leading SharePoint training provider I might add and a company I use professionally) are renowned world wide for the quality of the content...

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I’m speaking at the European SharePoint Conference 2014

The European SharePoint Conference is less than three weeks away and I’m delighted to be part of such an exceptional line up. The conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain from the 5-8th May 2014 and is Europe’s largest SharePoint event bringing you great sessions and the latest innovations from Vegas.

Browse through the superb conference programme including 110 sessions, keynotes, and tutorials, including topics covering the latest news from SPC14 including what’s new with SharePoint 2013 SP1 – Office Graph/Oslo – new Office 365 REST APIs – Access Apps – Cloud Business Apps.

I will be conducting two sessions on “Lessons Learned to Avoid the Pitfalls of Failed SharePoint Projects” and “Bring Your Own Device, Or Bring Your Own Disaster”.

“Lessons Learned to Avoid the Pitfal...

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SharePoint Evolutions Roadshow

I will be delivering three sessions the this unique and new roadshow.  If you are a member of SUGUK you are automatically entitled to 20% off the price using the code below:


You can sign up for SharePoint User Group UK at the following URL :

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