Category Speaking



Hope you enjoyed the sessions (as information heavy as they are).

Privacy by Design – handout


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GDPR – Considering Compliance in Office 365 and Azure

I’m speaking at Strelley Hall in Nottingham on what should be a great evening of tech feasting.  21/09/2017 from 6:30 pm – 10:30 pm.

GDPR – Considering Compliance in Office 365 and Azure

This session provides a top down view of the Office 365 Compliance Center, A business and operations focused session describing why we need to understand the key aspects of this service around archiving and retention, e-discovery, advanced e-discovery and audit. The session considers not only the features in Office 365 and Azure, but the issue of legality, EU Compliance and the EU-US Privacy Shield, data sovereignty and the possible impact of Brexit on service owners...

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Have you booked for ESPC yet?

I will be speaking at Europe’s Largest SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference and it is approaching fast. Here’s a few handy tips on how to make the most of your time at the conference.

  1. Find out who’s going
    Check out Twitter #ESPC17 to find out who’s going or visit the ESPC17 delegates page. If you would like to be added to this page, email your image and details to There’s no better time to network with your peers, connect with new prospects, or touch base with customers than ESPC17. Don’t bank on running into them at the conference, reach out to them before and arrange a meeting.
  2. Plan Ahead
    Take a look at the conference schedule and decide the sessions and tutorials you would like to attend...
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SUGUK Cambridge 23rd November

I’m speaking at the SharePoint User Group in Cambridge on the 23th November.

There will be two session, to be confirmed but my own will be on Compliance in Office 365 and Azure .

This session provides a top down view of the Office 365 Compliance Center. A business and operations focused session describing why we need to understand the key aspects of this service around archiving and retention, e-discovery, advanced e-discovery and audit.

The session considers not only the features in Office 365, but the issue of legality, EU Compliance and the EU-US Privacy Shield, data sovereignty and the possible impact of Brexit on service owners...

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SUGUK London – November 24th

I’m speaking at the SharePoint User Group in London on the 24th November at the new Microsoft Offices in Paddington.

There will be two session, to be confirmed but my own will be on Compliance in Office 365 and Azure.

The session provides a top down view of the Office 365 Compliance Center. A business and operations focused session describing why we need to understand the key aspects of this service around archiving and retention, e-discovery, advanced e-discovery and audit.

The session considers not only the features in Office 365, but the issue of legality, EU Compliance and the EU-US Privacy Shield, data sovereignty and the possible impact of Brexit on service owners...

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Goal Alignment in Hybrid SharePoint

I’m speaking in Wolverhampton next week on the importance of Goal Alignment in successful Hybrid projects, specifically for this talk focused on SharePoint 2013 Hybrid.  I’ll be covering how to introduce disruption by challenging convention, handling people and dealing with drive by management,  Perfect timing to accompany this from Mega on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Enterprise Architecture, 2013.   I like this paper and you should read it.

Some very current messages in this paper, such as “EA practitioners must focus EA efforts first and foremost on delivering business outcomes” and “EA practitioners need to strive to understand the context in which y...

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Evolutions Roadshow

So, its really unusual for me to steal another MVP’s words of wisdom, but I was sat on a beach in Dubai when this posting appeared in my Facebook feed and just though, you know – it deserves a bit more than a simple mention!

You should attend the SharePoint Evolutions Roadshow?

The Evolution Tour brings the conference to you and gives you the option of purchasing one day at a time.  You’re in control of the amount of time and money you invest, and its worth noting that the price of a one day conference pass is significantly lower than that of the average daily cost of a traditional conference.

Evolutions events, arranged by Combined Knowledge (the leading SharePoint training provider I might add and a company I use professionally) are renowned world wide for the quality of the content...

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SharePoint Evolutions Roadshow

I will be delivering three sessions the this unique and new roadshow.  If you are a member of SUGUK you are automatically entitled to 20% off the price using the code below:


You can sign up for SharePoint User Group UK at the following URL :

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European SharePoint Conference – count me in!

Barcelona image

So I have been accepted to speak in Barcelona. I’m covering two really popular topics, Bring Your Own Disaster and Why SharePoint Projects Fail. Quite excited by this one as it’s my first time speaking in Barcelona and it will be great to see so many familiar and world class speakers in attendance. Do let me know if you happen to be going!

Barcelona image

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SharePoint Connections Conference Discount Code

As a speaker at SharePoint Connections Amsterdam 2013 we get to give out a discount code, making the ticket price 10% cheaper. The event takes place at the 19th and 20th of November. You can find all the information about the event here:

I can offer you a 10% discount on the super early bird price:

My speaker code is SP273.  By all means abuse it and pass it around!

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